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Why Ancillary Means Necessary in Health Benefits

How offering ancillary coverage can impact client success—with Health In Tech.

In today’s competitive job market, businesses are faced with the growing question of what current and prospective employees value in a company. While salary and company culture often lead the conversation, employee benefits have become an increasingly important factor in successful recruitment and retention.

Why Better Benefits Matter

In fact, SHRM reports that 88% of employees would choose a lower salary and stronger benefits (such as insurance coverage, paid time off, flexible work environments, etc.) over a higher salary with fewer benefits1. With the workforce placing greater value on benefits than ever before, how can employers meet these competitive demands affordably?

Behind this trend of more robust benefits are two interconnected causes—rising healthcare costs and the aftermath of the pandemic. As a growing majority of American employees are both becoming more health conscious while also watching their household health expenses becoming unaffordable, especially after COVID-19, the value of health-related benefits has been skyrocketing for years now.

What Employees Value

Following the pandemic, workers are 17%—18% more likely to accept a role because of schedule, remote work flexibility, and positive boundaries2. When it comes to benefits, 26% of employers would switch roles for stronger health coverage and perks, and 55% would not accept any role that did not provide health benefits2. However, employees who do receive satisfactory benefits are 70% more loyal to their current role2.

That said, while many businesses do offer benefits and perks, many workers are dissatisfied with the quality of health support that employers are providing. Today, 14% of employers don’t believe in offering any form of wellness coverage, and 40% of employees feel that the benefits they do have aren’t strong enough to reduce stress2. More concerningly, the mental health space is lagging even further behind in member satisfaction. While 66% of employees believe their employers are responsible for their mental wellbeing, and 72% of employers have noted that mental health benefits boost employee performance, 41% of workers still receive zero support in this area from their jobs2.

Ultimately, across health, dental, mental health, paid leave, and more, 87% of employers believe they provide adequate benefits—but only 55% of employees agree2.

Ancillary Benefits with Health In Tech

If robust benefits lead to a loyal, productive workforce and more recruited talent, then why don’t more employers offer them? For businesses, cost and lack of awareness are the two biggest barriers to growing employee coverage. But what if employers, and their team, had more say in their benefits, paying only for what matters most?

With Health In Tech’s eDIYBS (the enhanced Do It Yourself Benefit Systems), self-funded and level-funded employers can work with brokers to quickly design and quote customized benefit offerings. A SaaS platform that can produce firm proposals for 12 plans with 4 tiers in just 2 minutes, eDIYBS’s cutting-edge speed saves employers time and money with their coverage.

Plus, Health In Tech’s eDIYBS includes various Ancillary Coverage options including:

  • Critical Illness and Cancer Voluntary Coverage
  • Accident Indemnity Plus Coverage
  • Dental Coverage
  • Vision Coverage
  • Term Life Coverage
  • GAP Coverage

With these opt-in, ancillary coverage options, Health In Tech helps brokers empower their clients with the benefits that their employees and members need and value the most. How can Health In Tech’s coverage power on stronger outcomes and savings for your clients?

Keep learning at healthintech.com/solutions/ancillary/.



  1. https://www.shrm.org/topics-tools/news/all-things-work/employees-want
  2. https://velocityglobal.com/resources/blog/employee-benefits-statistics#key

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